Airboard Snowrace: Airboard is a high-tech air-cushion for people crazy about snow! Put your helmet on and lie on your stomach on the air-cushion . The ribbed underside enables you to steer, giving full control. Time: c. 1.5-2 hours. More info!

An adventure in cooperation: the purpose of this is to give participants the feeling that they can cope better than they think and to increase the unity and support within a group. Various activities which take about 1.5 hours. More info!

An adventurous walk: this activity is a combination of hiking, quiz and exercise in cooperation. We start off with an activity to decide which team cooperates best. After that you will take a walk through the beautiful nature reserve ‘Digerberget’. There are questions along the way including some-brain-teasers. At the top of the hill which is the finish there will be a tie-break in the form of a tasting. This can well be combined with refreshments in front of an open fire at the top of ‘Digerberget’. Time allowed: 1.5-2 hours. More info!

Badminton,’kubb’(type of skittles), croquet: equipment at the hotel. More info!

Baking soft, thin bread: you can take part in baking ‘Tuttull’: it is a classic wrap-type bread from Rättvik. Kus Karin, a local woman from Dalarna is in charge. More info!

Bicycles: may be borrowed from the hotel. More info!

Bobsleigh: the runs are at Rättvik´s slalom slope about 12km from the hotel. A dizzying experience. For more info contact or wwww.rä

Caring for your body: if you wish to relax for a while we suggest for example some facial treatment, pedicure or massage. We can get a qualified skin therapist, foot specialist or masseur/se who will care for your needs. If you wish to have other treatment we can make an appointment for you at ‘-Feelhouse’, situated 500m from the hotel. They offer spa, body treatment and different forms of exercise etc. Should be booked at least a week before arrival. More info!

Carve and paint Dala-horses: release your creativity! We will give you a quick lesson about the history of Dala-horses, and provide the genuine raw material for the finished products you will of course keep as souvenirs. Time allowed: 1.5 hours.

Curling. Rink and instructor are to be found at Leksand´s indoor-sports centre. More info!

Dog teams: in Grönklitt, Orsa. Another way to experience the countryside around Grönklitt. To sit in a sleigh behind a team of strong and eager Siberian huskies is a powerful and thrilling sensation, which the whole family will surely remember for a long time. For more info phone 0250-46200 0r try .

Fishing: there are many fine lakes including Siljan. Fishing licences can be bought at ‘Siljan Turism’.

Folk dance in their folk dress ‘Leksand´s folkdandslag’ will come to us and sing, play and dance. Please feel free to join in. More info!

GPS Adventure: equipped with easy-to-use and precise GPS your team will find places, carry out instructions and solve problems. These activities can in general, take place anywhere. Depending on your wishes we can determine the length of time and physical effort needed. The activity will put to the test your ability to cooperate and follow instructions. More info!

Hiking: with ‘Trapperservices’ knowledgeable leaders you will be guided through our beautiful forests and enjoy magnificent views. They will tell you about the fantastic culture round every corner in the Tällberg area. A splendid hike with refreshments . There are four different trips from 6-18km. A wonderful experience for body and soul! More info!

Horse-drawn sleigh rides: trips along the village´s lanes and woodlands, in the evenings with burning torches. Each sleigh takes four people and the trip lasts c. 40 minutes. More info!

Ice-yachting: sail an ice-yacht, this winter´s challenge! Trapper-service offers an ice-yachting adventure, which is guaranteed to leave its mark in your memory and not only in the ice! A fantastic feeling to have the wind in your sail and swish over the ice at speed. You will learn to sail the yacht on your own before the end of the day.

Kick-sledges and sledging: the equipment is on loan from the hotel at no extra cost. More info!

Kyrkbåtsrodd’(a trip in a traditional large rowing-boat): leave from the beach below Tällberg, 400m from the hotel. Opportunities for grilling and pentathlon. Activities for at least ten people. A short history of church boats is included. A small boat takes 10 people and a large one takes 20. Certificates are awarded to all good oarsmen. More info!

On snow-shoes to the Elk Bull´s fortress: take part in an outing on snow-shoes in the hills on the edge of L.Siljan´s meteorite´s crater. This guided tour over pathless terrain ,takes you, despite its proximity to built-up areas, straight into the Elk Bull´s quarters. Beautiful, exciting but also a little bit challenging in the rocky crevices. More info!

Outings: we will gladly help to arrange outings to places of interest in the district. e.g. Zorn-museum, Carl Larsson´s home, Dala-horse production in Nusnäs etc. More info!

Paintball: for more info contact or wwww.rä

Ride an Icelandic horse: experience the countryside and the beautiful surroundings on horseback on one of the steady and reliable Icelandic horses. Even for the unaccustomed. One can choose from 1.5 hours to whole day tours. Situated in Rättvik about 15km from the hotel..More info!

Sauna and Jacuzzi: these are available at Åkerblad´s hotel between 9.00-21.00,cost….p.p. …..sek for children up to 15. Extra towels will be provided at reception before you go there. The Jacuzzi costs 20 sek per session(2 ten kr. coins).

Shooting the rapids: an experience for those who like speed and excitement. Situated in Björbo c. 50 km from the hotel. More info!

Skiing: there is a long distance ski-track just 200m from the hotel. The nearest slalom slope is 12 km away. You may hire skis from the sport shops in both Rättvik and Leksand. Slalom slope in Rättvik. More info: or wwww.rä

Sledging: for more info contact or wwww.rä

Snow scooter safari: in Orsa Grönklitt. More info!

Team walk. Walking gives distinctive opportunities to exercise and enjoying the countryside, which in this case will also have an element of instruction.

Tennis: Åkerblad´s hotel has its own tennis court. Equipment can be hired from reception. More info!

Walk round Tällberg: a guided stroll through the village, so you may learn about old customs and activities.More info!

Wine-tasting/beer-tasting: in our cosy ‘Lillstuggu’ we will light the candles and arrange beer and wine-tasting. More info!